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Level Designer & Unreal Engine 4 C++

AI Specialization (Game Design Education)

Engine: Unreal Engine 4

Languages: C++; Behavior trees

Team Size: Solo Project

Platforms: PC

Timeframe: 2 months

Year: 2015


The main purpose of this project was to make different kinds of AI systems, learn about extending the Unreal 4 engine with C++, and to improve my C++ coding skills.


Created for my specialization in AI Design/Implementation in C++ at FutureGames. My mentor was Andreas Persson, AI Designer at EA Dice, former AI Designer at Avalanche Studios. I created this level myself using free assets.



  • WHITEBOXED and BUILT LEVEL with free assets.

  • Used C++ in Unreal Engine 4 for character movement & BEHAVIOR TREES for AI BEHAVIOR.

Level Mission Designer Portfolio - AI Unreal Engine

Level Design & GDD

  • Player Objective & Flow: The player begins at the electrical box and works their way around the right side of the level in order to reach the main bunker and deactivate the main doors using the console in front.

  • Player Difficulty & Allowing for Different Playstyles: Players may use Stealth, Shoot their way through the level, or use a combination of Stealth and Shooting.

    • Shoot-'Em-Up Playstyle​: Players have more enemies to shoot at in this playstyle, by shooting the Snipers and additional enemies triggered by enemy deaths.

    • Steath Playstyle: 

  • Inspiration: The design of this level was inspired by Star Wars IV: Return of the Jedi.

    • The Battle of Endor scene where R2-D2 tried to open the bunker doors.

  • Variation: Many games I play use cars and road blocks as shields for the player. I wanted to add variation to the areas where the player takes cover, so I found an electrical box and logs to serve as the starting cover areas.


Level Flow

1. Spawns at Spawn Point: Electrical Box.
2. Takes out Enemy AI Group #1.
3. Sprints to Cover Area: Logs.
4. Takes out Enemy AI Group #2.
5. Sprints through Cover Area: Forest to Enemy Watch Tower.
6. Sneaks up Enemy Watch Tower.
7. (Optional) Takes out Enemy AI Group #4.
8. Goes to mid-level of Enemy Watch Tower and onto top of bunker.
9. Takes out Enemy AI Group #3.
10. Knocks boxes off bunker and onto ground to use as cover below.
11. Descends down Enemy Watch Tower (or jumps down on boxes in front of console) to reach Console area.
12. Hacks into Console between Mech gunfire intervals.


Note: If player chooses to go to the top of Enemy Watch Tower to take out Enemy AI Group #4, the player finds an item that adds to an item achievement total for the level.

Level Design & GDD
Level Flow
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